My mom gave me this old Bible commentary, probably back in the 1980's, it had belonged to my grandpa Jacob Jones. It has been read so much that it is literally falling apart. It was tied together with a handkerchief when mom gave it to me; it still has the same old handkerchief tied around it today. It is one of my most prized possessions.
I get it out often, and read through it again. The similarities between it and some of the modern day books on prophecy is astounding.
'The Revival of the Roman Empire'
The Revival of the Roman Empire
is taught in many Bible Prophecy
books today, as it was taught in 1907.
Bible Footlights c/1907
What would the publisher of this old book think, if they could see the events unfolding around our world today? I believe they would say, it is time that people everywhere, repent and call upon the name of the Lord God, and His Son Jesus Christ. And to that I say, Amen.
Grandpa Jacob Jones b. 1856
Grandpa was a God Fearing man,
who showed the love of God
through his deeds. |