Our church in McCreary County cancelled services today, because of Memorial Day, so we drove back in the mountains, in Southern Whitley County, to a little country church we sometimes visit. When we got there, the parking lot was empty, and we realized it was closed for Memorial Day, as well. We didn't have time to drive out of the mountains to attend another church, so we stopped by to visit some church members who lived nearby. We had a wonderful visit with Loyd and Freda Bryant.
We thank God for them, and all our friends in that little country church. They told us their pastor had had eye surgery. He is a good man of God, please pray for him.
We also thank God for a successful yard sale, this past Friday and Saturday. We met a lot of really nice people, and got to talk to a lot of old friends.
God's blessings are bountiful.
Have a Blessed day, wherever you are.
God's Blessings, Old Country Church, Vintage Aprons, Antiques, Kentucky, Old Time Ways, Gardening, Nature, Christmas, Early Childhood Games, Springtime, Friends, Flea Market Finds, Current Events, Old Dishes, Favorite Things

May 29, 2011
Meet Ky. Artisans Loyd & Freda Bryant
Loyd gave us this eagle head, that he carved out of cedar as a gift, his mark is carved on the back.
Loyd Bryant with one of the canes he carved. |
Loyd's Intricately Carved Indian |
More of Loyd's Wood Carvings |
Freda Loves to Play her Brother's Banjo We spent this beautiful Sunday afternoon with two very special people, Loyd and Freda Bryant. It was Southern hospitality at it's best. |
Freda's Beautiful Handmade Quilts Have a Blessed day. Trisha |
May 27, 2011
A Quick Word
Just a quick word; blogger is not letting me comment on some blogs, and has taken away my list of followers. I'm still reading your blogs, even if I can't comment. Others are having this problem as well. Hope everything gets fixed soo. In the meantime, have a Blessed day.
May 23, 2011
In the Wake of all these Storms
Just now I was thinking on the terrible storms that have been raining devastation across the US. There has been so much pain, and so much affliction, I was thinking, how will those suffering be able to stand. I no sooner had the thought, that this song came to me:
Stand By Me by: C.A. Tindley
When the storms of life are raging, Stand by me,
When the storms of life are raging, Stand by me.
When the world is tossing me, like a ship upon the sea;
Thou who rulest wind and water, Stand by me.
In the midst of tribulation, Stand by me,
In the midst of tribulation, Stand by me.
When the host of hell assail, and my strength begins to fail,
Thou who never lost a battle, Stand by me.
This old hymn from the early 1900's, is so relevant for the times we now live in. These first two verses of the hymn speaks volumes. So, when I go through seemingly unthinkable circumstances, and think I cannot go on, I can assuredly call on the name of Jesus Christ, and God the Father, to Stand by me.
Getting Ready for a Garage Sale
Where does it all come from?
I think someone is a pack rat.
At least that is what my husband would say.
Oh well, guilty as charged, I guess.
Have a BLESSED day.
Amber and Gold Vintage Glass |
We have been busy trying to get ready for a garage sale. We have accumulated so much stuff, we will need to have it two days. This stuff will have to sit on my kitchen table all week until we have the sale, this weekend. I would take it to the garage, but, it is full too.
Red, Gold, Green, and Blue Vintage Glass |
I think someone is a pack rat.
At least that is what my husband would say.
Oh well, guilty as charged, I guess.
Have a BLESSED day.
May 22, 2011
Vintage Pin Display Pillow
Pin Display Pillow |
Have a Blessed day, wherever you are.
Church on this Side of the River
We decided not to take the long drive to McCreary County this morning,
opting instead to go to a little country church on this side of the river.
opting instead to go to a little country church on this side of the river.
We saw old friends, and met some new ones.
The drive was short, but pretty nonetheless.
Fenced pastures lay stretched on both sides of the road for much of the drive.
An occasional house, and barn could be seen in a distance.
The little country church vibrated with the sound of piano music,
and the familar voices of our friends.
It was much like going home, but, we won't completely feel at home,
I suppose, until we reach our new home, the one in Heaven.
But, it is good to feel welcome in God's house, wherever it might be.
Hope you've had a Blessed day.
May 15, 2011
Isaiah Chapter 55, Verse 1
Ho, every one that thirsteth, come ye to the waters,
and he that hath no money; come ye, buy, and eat;
yea, come, buy wine and milk without money
and without price.
This is one of my favorite Bible verses.
If salvation cost money, many of us would be left out.
I am so glad it is a free gift from God.
Jesus Christ paid for it a long time ago.
Thank You Lord, for the gift of salvation.
Vintage Dolls from Estate Sale
We went to an Estate Sale Friday evening, where I bought these pretty little dolls. They came from a large collection; but I only bought three of them. These are small plastic dolls, only measuring about six inches tall. When I was growing up, it was common for the ladies of the house to have these sitting around, for decoration, and some even hung on the wall with their dresses spreaded behind them.
These were the dolls that the little girls got to look at, but never got to play with. This was a good find for me.
Hope you have had a good Lord's Day, wherever you are.
Blessings. Trisha
Vintage Dolls |
These were the dolls that the little girls got to look at, but never got to play with. This was a good find for me.
Hope you have had a good Lord's Day, wherever you are.
Blessings. Trisha
May 14, 2011
Carvings by Ky. Folk Artist, Loyd Bryant
Carvings by Loyd Bryant |
Black Snake Close Up |
These handmade walking canes were made by a local Kentucky folk artist, Loyd Bryant. Loyd attends a church that we sometimes go to, in the southern end of Whitley county. Loyd is an elderly gentleman, whose wood carvings are admired by friends, and neighbors alike. Loyd is a kind, soft spoken man that had never heard of the mountain community where he now lives, until he met his wife many years ago. He now speaks of his love for the mountains, and his wood carving. Loyd carves other things as well, with intricate detail. We had the opportunity to purchase these canes at a community yard sale on Saturday. Carvings of snakes are not something I would normally purchase, but, owning pieces of his folk art was something I was not willing to pass up. Have a good and Godly day. Blessings.
You Name it Snake |
Loyd teased about the snake on the cane above.
He said, he didn't know what kind of snake it
was, but, I could name it.
May 13, 2011
New Meaning to, Is There a Doctor in the House.
![]() |
My Mom, a Doctor of Sorts |
My mom, like so many other ladies in that day, became a doctor of sorts. She kept a good supply of medicines like Bayer Aprin, Syrup of Black Draught, Alcohol, Peroxide, Iodine, Mercurochrome, Rubbing Liniment, Milk of Magnesia, Soltice, and Vicks Salve.
She had many home remedies, as well, for our often mishaps. For bee stings she soaked a brown paper bag in vinegar and wrapped the affected area, if possible. The vinegar was to pull out the swelling. When that wasn't possible, she wet snuff or tobacco and placed over the affected area to pull out the poison. For nosebleeds, she put an unused cigarette paper under our upper lip, and a cold wet washcloth behind our neck. She made ginger tea for abdominal pain, and burdock tea for cleansing the blood. She dabbed turpentine around our shirt sleeves and pants legs, when we went berry picking, to keep chiggers away. She made hot toddies for the flu, but only the adults took that. She broke off birch twigs to use for tooth brushes, for in between brushings, use. Seems a little crude to some, I guess, but, just the way of life for the majority of folks in our area.
I thank God for watching over us, and Mom and Dad, during those hard times.
Have a Blessed day, wherever you are.
May 05, 2011
Back Yard Park
Everyone needs a place to enjoy the evenings. We call our little get away place, the Back Yard Park. It consists of two large shade trees, a small patio table, two chairs, a seatee, a grill, lots of flowers and herbs, and a long stack of firewood that is seasoning for the winter. It is far enough away from everything to be private.
We love to go there to read and relax.
I love to cook with fresh herbs. My chives wintered well, and are already booming. Just before the very cold weather set in, I emptied the pots of herbs into a heap, so I could repot them in the spring. I sat small tables over the heap for protection from the cold. This works well with our cold Kentucky winters.
It is a lot easier to go to the nursery and buy everything already full grown, but, I love to grow lots of things from seed. I love to watch them grow, then share with my neighbors.
Back Yard Park |
Everyone needs a place to enjoy the evenings. We call our little get away place, the Back Yard Park. It consists of two large shade trees, a small patio table, two chairs, a seatee, a grill, lots of flowers and herbs, and a long stack of firewood that is seasoning for the winter. It is far enough away from everything to be private.
We love to go there to read and relax.
Chives |
I love to cook with fresh herbs. My chives wintered well, and are already booming. Just before the very cold weather set in, I emptied the pots of herbs into a heap, so I could repot them in the spring. I sat small tables over the heap for protection from the cold. This works well with our cold Kentucky winters.
Some Plants Started from Seed |
It is a lot easier to go to the nursery and buy everything already full grown, but, I love to grow lots of things from seed. I love to watch them grow, then share with my neighbors.
Clematis |
We have two Clematis growing up this old well post. The purple one hasn't bloomed yet. The birds love to sit up there and sing, and we love it.
This is not a well, but, it does look real. We built it in our back yard several years ago. Hope you are enjoying your day, wherever you are.
Blessings, Trisha
May 01, 2011
Country Church, Holy Mountain Sabbath
Grey skies, rain, wind, and debris strewn across the highway
made for a slow drive to our little country church, in McCreary county.
But, inside the lights were burning bright,
almost as bright as the smiles that greeted us.
The service opened with prayer and prayer requests.
In Sunday School we studied the 7th. chapter of Revelation;
a good lesson, coming alive when our teacher
and the six attending preachers, all gave their input.
The Worship service began with songs of praise and worship;
and our Saintly ladies seemed to have a special glow,
and warmth about them this morning.
and warmth about them this morning.
One of the ladies had been very ill
and had returned for the first time this morning.
The preaching began, and God's presence surrounded us.
We thank God for another 'Holy Mountain Sabbath.'
Hope you have a Blessed day, wherever you are.
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