

March 13, 2013

Snow Drops

Snow Drops
   This morning I listened to a local radio program called Tri-County Spotlite.  It is a buy, sale, trade, or give away program.  I love to listen to the show, not only because of the good buys that come on from time to time, but, because I know so many of the callers.
   You never know what is going to be advertised, goats, chickens, hogs, homemade quilts, honey, homemade butter, fresh eggs, or just about anything else you might think of.
   This morning one of the regular callers called in to advertise her quilt tops; this lady has a long Southern Draw with a Cincinnati Slang, and in her very distinguishing voice, she told the host that she saw some Snow Drops outside before she called in.  It was snowing here, and I took a picture of what should be Snow Flakes, but, sure enough they looked a lot like Snow Drops to me, too.

   Think it's time,' I get a life?'
Blessings Wherever You Are, Trisha


  1. Trisha it seems we may be seeing more of those snowdrops tomorrow. I cannot believe this weather.. I am sorry I have not been by but just felt to bad lately. Feeling better today.. Stay warm cause it is going to be cold for the next week. Blessings!

  2. What a great idea for a radio program. Hope spring heads your way soon!

  3. Wow that sounds like a great program!

