

July 24, 2011

Does Pepsi and Kraft use aborted baby tissue; read for yourself?

   I read something appalling this morning.  I read that Pepsi, Kraft, and some others are using HEK-293 ( tissue taken from the kidneys of aborted babies ) to produce a flavor enhancer in their products.  I wanted to scream.  I had never heard of such a horrid thing; and it is being kept from the general public.  Of course it is public knowledge if you know to look for it.  On the Pepsi bottle it merely says natural flavors, so I, like many others, have never had a reason to question, what natural ingredients.  

   If you search: 'What is HEK-293,' then search 'Does Pepsi use HEK-293; you will find many links about it.  Also pro-life groups are calling for a boycott against Pepsi, because after contacting them, they continue to use HEK-293, while some others that were contacted, stopped. 

   Well this Kentucky girl will pour out all the Pepsi, and Kraft products in our kitchen, and never purchase more, unless they stop this horrid practice.  


  1. Wow! That is appalling. I have never been a Pepsi fan myself. I am glad now that I am not. I am going to have to research this. As believers, we MUST take a stand. Thanks for sharing. Blessings!

  2. Wow! Maybe that's why I never liked Pepsi. Thanks for letting me know. I just wonder how it is possible for them to do that.
