

February 22, 2011

Herb Gardening in Kentucky

Sweet Williams planted among the Herbs

Pineapple Mint
One of our favorites, makes great
tea, beautiful to grow, and not as
aggressive as some mints.

  Spring is coming and
I'm planning to plant Rosemary, Lavender, Thyme, Chives, Parsley, and the list goes on and on.  Lord willing that is.

Front Yard Herb Garden


Fresh Parsley Everyday, is good
 for  you, just ask our daughter.

   Growing herbs in Kentucky is very easy.  Most herbs require little care and well drained soil.  At one time I grew about 42 different kinds of herbs.  Now I mostly grow herbs in containers or small areas that are easily taken care of.

Echinacea Cone Flower
Beautiful & easy to grow

   I love to grow herbs as flowers, because they are so hardy, and add a little color to the landscape. 
                                                                              I planted my first herb garden around 25 years ago.

My First Herb Garden

White Cushion Mums

Elephant Garlic

If you like to cook with garlic, you might like to try Elephant Garlic,
 if you haven't already. 
It grows hardily, is easily taken care of, and produces abundantly. 

Winter Savory, Arp Rosemary,
Tarragon, Chives, Sage, Oregano

   Looking at the pictures of my past herb gardens today, 
have inspired me to plant more herbs in the Spring. 
                Have a Blessed Day!                           

Spring Herb Garden in Kentucky


  1. I love to plant flowers and herbs. I usually mix the herbs in with my flowers. You have inspired me. I cannot wait to get started! Blessings!

  2. Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment. I love your blog. I particularly like your herb gardens. I have a small one and eventually will make it bigger.

  3. Thanks for visiting and commenting Trisha. Love your herb gardens. I have always grown them myself but have not come across those elephant garlic.

    Your distant views reminded me of Kentucky too having spent a number of visits there.
