

February 07, 2011

Cold Water Joke

A good friend told us this joke today, we wanted to share it:

  A grandson went to spend the weekend with his grandmother in the country.  She made a big supper for him and set a plate on the table for him. 

 He looked down at his plate, hesitated for a moment, then proceeded to scrape egg off the edge of the plate.  His grandmother said, "This is so embarrassing, I'm so sorry, they don't come very clean with 'Cold Water.'

  He said,"That's okay grandmother, I scraped it off," and he ate that plate full, then ate two more plates full.  His grandmother asked if he wanted more.  He said,"No." 

   So, his grandmother took his plate off the table, sat it on the floor, whistled, and hollered, "Come here Cold Water."  And in came the dog.

1 comment:

  1. To Funny! As a country girl...this really makes me laugh! Blessings!
